how much of a Swiftie are you?

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Are you a true Swiftie (Taylor Swift fan)? Part of the over 1 billion person fanclub? A loyal follower of the queen? follow me on Pinterest: Are U Ready For It?? @swiftiesince2016

so do this quiz to find out but pls don't google answers lmao bc then u won't really find out if ur a true Swiftie, right? Yeah so don't cheat ;) uh haters gonna hate... like *kanye west*

Created by: Mochi of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. how many Grammys has Tay Tay won?
  2. does "no its becky" have to do with Taylor Swift?
  3. what year did she release 2 albums?
  4. Is Tay Tay a vegetarian?
  5. did Taylor sing this: "does she smile, or does she mouth, f**k u forever?"
  6. Did Taylor sing this: "can we stay up all night, love me 'til the daylight?" (radio edit)
  7. Who is she dating as of Feb. 2022?
  8. Has Taylor ever hosted SNL?? (not just sung for it, actually hosted it)
  9. How many albums does Taylor Swift have? (Including the Taylor's Version ones) AS OF FEB 2022, SO FORGET THE NEW (TV) ONES :p
  10. Does Taylor Swift write good lyrics?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Swiftie am I?
