Section 2 -Historical Books

You need to understand that there are other religions other than Christianity. Once we go out to the world and see different perspectives we will learn to accomadate.

In this lesson you learned about Islam, Catholic, Mormonism, and a bit of history of your own christian faith. There are a lot of things you can believe.

Created by: Daniel
  1. Name a book that is not an added scripture.
  2. Select an Epistle.
  3. What do Catholics refer to the Apocrypha as?
  4. What is the name of the Angel that appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith?
  5. Name two Minor Prophets
  6. Who appeared to the Prophet Muhammad?
  7. Who is accredited with writing 13 Epistles in New Testament of the Holy Bible?
  8. Select the answer with two Epistles.
  9. Select the one and only historical book in the New Testament.
  10. Select the answer with two Historical Books.
  11. Who was Muhammad's youngest wife?
  12. What was the only Language the Quran was written in?
  13. What is the difference in the major and minor prophets?
  14. Gospel means '' '' in Greek.
  15. Early Christian church contained the apocrypha.
  16. Century that Mormonism was created
  17. What is Papacy?
  18. Catholics are recommended to read scripture and apply to their lives, leaving it to be the definitive law in their beliefs.
  19. Islam teaches the Holy Bible.
  20. The Tanak is what is only in the Catholic bible.

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