Season 1 and 2 H2O Just Add Water Trivia

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Hi and welcome to my quiz! This quiz is about season 1 and 2 from H2O Just Add Water. If you're an H2O Just Add Water fan, you will definitely love this quiz.

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Created by: Hannahhoshi1
  1. Who are the mermaids?
  2. What are Cleo's powers?
  3. What are Rikki's powers?
  4. What are Emma's powers?
  5. What's the title of season 1, episode 1?
  6. Did Cleo like swimming at the start of season 1?
  7. Who falls into the cave on Mako Island first?
  8. Who was the first person to step into the moon pool?
  9. In season 1 who was the first person to find out that they were a mermaid?
  10. Who was the first person to find out that they had powers?
  11. Who did Emma kiss at her father's birthday party?
  12. What's the name of Cleo's sister?
  13. What excuse does Cleo make so that she doesn't have to swim and get wet at Miriam's pool party?
  14. In season 1, Cleo is wearing pink gloves whilst grabbing something in her fish tank. Water gets into her gloves and she turns into a mermaid. What picture does Cleo send Emma and Rikki?
  15. In season 1 Emma and Rikki told Lewis that they could hold their breath under water for how many minutes?
  16. Who meets Louise Chatham first?
  17. What does Cleo call Louise Chatham?
  18. Who was the man catching the sea turtles?
  19. What was the colour of Cleo's diary?
  20. Who does Emma freeze ?
  21. What colour does Emma colour her hair?
  22. What are the names of the mermaids from the 1950s (including Ms Chatham)?
  23. Who is Dr. Denman?
  24. Lewis forgot to ask Cleo to go to the dance. Who is Cleo going with?
  25. In season 1, what is Lewis embarrassed to ask Cleo in front of Emma and Rikki?
  26. What type of moon makes a mermaid lose her tail and powers for 24 hours?
  27. Who are the new characters in season 2?
  28. Does Cleo dump Lewis?
  29. Emma tries to be a rebel. Why does she do this?
  30. Why does the wish potion go everywhere?
  31. What was the name of the dolphin who went missing?
  32. Why did Mrs Geddes think that Lewis opened the underwater gate a freed Ronnie?
  33. Where does Emma meet Ash?
  34. Cleo's and Kim's Dad meets a lady on his ship. At the end their Dad tells them that she was trying his fish to buy.What did Kim and Cleo think she was doing?
  35. Why do Cleo, Emma and Rikki pretend that they're sick?
  36. Does Cleo fail her Physics test?
  37. Does Charlotte offer to tutor Cleo?
  38. What does Cleo say in Lewis' dream?
  39. Why does Charlotte offer to tutor Cleo?
  40. What animal keyring does Lewis get Cleo at the marine park?
  41. Why does Charlotte think that she should be mermaid?
  42. What type of moon can make a mermaid lose their powers forever? (Clue: it only happens rarely, so it could be a more normal moon than you think)
  43. Where does Emma tell Ash that she's a mermaid?
  44. Where on Mako Island is the moon pool located?
  45. Who is Elliot's crush in season 2?
  46. Where does Elliot take Kim on a date?
  47. What does Kim drop in the water at the marine park?

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