H2O: Just Add Water Trivia

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Hello and welcome to the trivia that I promised you - H2O: Just Add Water Trivia!!!!!! *round of applause!* (By the way you don't really have to applause)

Hopefully this new trivia will be both fun and challenging for every H2O: Just Add Water fan there is! But go find some other quiz if you aren't ready for this tricky trivia, because most of these questions are pretty hard!

Created by: ilovemermaids
  1. Which of these couples are fake?
  2. Who has a job at the Marine Park for a very short amount of time?
  3. Who is Miss Chatham?
  4. When Cleo's dad gets himself a job at the Marine Park, what is his job?
  5. When Rikki, Cleo and Emma become mermaids, who gets into the moon pool first?
  6. What is the name of the actress who plays the role of Rikki?
  7. What is the name of the actress who plays the role of Cleo?
  8. What is the name of the actress who plays the role of Emma?
  9. What is the name of the actress who plays the role of Bella?
  10. How old are Cleo, Emma and Rikki when they become mermaids and where are they?
  11. How old is Bella when she becomes a mermaid and where is she?
  12. What is the name of the café that everyone hangs out at?
  13. Which of these people don't know about the mermaid stuff?
  14. What's the first phrase EVER in Season 1 Episode 1?
  15. What's the last phrase EVER in Season 3 episode 26?-note- NOT singing

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