Science Trivia!!!

Learn fascinating science facts that you may have never heard of !!! Test your knowledge on science with some fun. Remember to Never Give Up!!!!!!!!!!

Science is hard enough without pop-quizzes... this fun quiz trains you, and of course, you need to do your part by studying. Just always remember... The Sky Is The Limit

Created by: Keertivagini Suresh
  1. which is NOT a science process skill?
  2. which type of waste cannot be recycled?
  3. in which way can COVID19/corona spread?
  4. which one is a STD disease ?
  5. which is true ?
  6. which is a source of underground water ?
  7. How much does the earth weigh?
  8. Are sharks mammals?
  9. What is the first step you must do when helping someone whose clothes have caught fire ?
  10. What is the other name for a nerve cell called ?

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