Scarlette Academy, Episode Four: Your Roommate

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In this quiz you will see your roommate!!! In the next quiz, it will just be your school life, I'll try to fit in loads of fun bits too. *Insert smiley face*

Please remember to do the other ones before this! I also did three other quizzes. There are three answers, all with really teeny tiny stories and what they look like.

Created by: Akiko Neko
  1. Hi! Akiko Neko here! I thought, what should I do next? And I realized, ROOMMATE!
  2. So, we will be designing your dorm! What color will the walls be?
  3. What kind of floor?
  4. Your bed?
  5. The rest will be up to your roommate. Now you've designed your room, it's time for classes! What will you attend first?
  6. What's your house? Fun fact: I got bronze!
  7. Classes are over! What club will you join?
  8. Your club accepted you! You finished club activities now what?
  9. You're tired out and want to go to your dorm. Whoops... You don't know how to get there! What do you do?
  10. Phew! You found it! You open the door and go inside...

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Quiz topic: Scarlette Academy, Episode Four: my Roommate
