sammycent's awsomeness

Well i am totally awsome i am SammyCent!! i mean come on, i feel many people just don't kno that little but important things about me.. my myspace is totally awsome and chill it's lttle scrt add me btches!!! eyah, here is the awsomeness again, cuz i am!! WOOT! I AM AMAZINGLY wow my knees hurt.. haha eyah prretty much!ASWOME!!! eyah! my fav word! peace

so well lets see if you really know me... i will still love you if u get a low score!! peace <3 SammyCent i am toally assommmeneess! eyahcha!! wooooooow! oo i am major radom!! HAHA EVERYONE WILL AGREE wow i am soo bored! i am friggin super bored i hope you had fun peace love .. SammyCent

Created by: wizard of this site
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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how much of a b---- am I?
  2. whats my middle name?
  3. whats my fav color?
  4. what instrament am i tryin to learn?
  5. whats my fav sport?
  6. whens my birthday?
  7. whats my fav sent?
  8. what's my fav animal (animal totum) ?
  9. where do i love to be touched?
  10. whats my fav thing to do?
  11. what's my fav flower?
  12. whats my fav weather?
  13. what can i not live without?
  14. whata shoes do i like wearing most?

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