RU Slay or kinda slay? FOR GRILLS ONLY KK?

Erm this is my first quiz and this was just for fun. Idrk how to use this stuff so O_o anyways ermmm I forgot to add a ‘you no slay’ category so if u get really high ‘You kind of slay’ then you just no slay lol

Lolololoooololajajwjwhshshwhwjwwjjaajuauwjan idk what to write and this thing requires me to write so yass sjkhbhjdkbbhijdecbuhidwecbguiewvcewuugdvcchgduewvghdweucvdeghucv ok done bye :3 also my speling was PURPOSEKY INCORRCT K BYE

Created by: lolidcboutu
  1. Is shreks shrekiness very shreky and bootifuyil
  3. Ok tahts all I can think of so get ready for junk questions lol
  4. Cookies
  5. Do you like Warriors (yeha this is random but I don’t care)
  6. Do you know/play battle cats????????????
  7. Yass ok did you like this
  8. Nahh but I have to make 10 QUESTIONS?!?! argh fine, do you like screaming SLAY ALL DAY
  9. Hdsghedbdebjswsnjwnswjnswjnsjwbd (no effct I just dont know what to do)
  10. Heheheheheheh bye grills (BUOYS IF YOU’RE HERE AFTER I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE I WILL BE MAD 👊🏻)

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