Epic Quest Quiz

Hey, quiz taker! This is the first quiz I have ever made, so I thought, what kind of quiz would I want to do? Then, it came to me. One of my favorite things to do is play roleplaying games! (In case you didn't know, it's rpg for short.)

So, pretend you need to slay a dragon, or find a legendary treasure, or something like that, and want to know what role you need to play. (see what I did there?) This quiz will help you.

Created by: Wizard
  1. Do you listen to people who are in charge of you?
  2. What would you rather do on your free time?
  3. What best describes you?
  4. What would you rather be?
  5. Which pet would you rather have?
  6. A Goblin attacks, you:
  7. Would you rather have:
  8. Would you rather:
  9. when faced with a tough problem, you:
  10. Finally, what is your favorite out of these genres?

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