Royalty, Seasons, and Love | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Royalty, Seasons, and Love.
Your Result: Winter (Edward)
HE has a cold heart, but as soos as he met you, something changed. His heart felt warmth for the first time. He thinks you are beautiful and hopes you are chosen....oops I kinda just gave something away. ;)
Cool lol Part 2 plz!
Your Result: Summer (Reis)
He is friendly and mischevious. He loves to have fun. He thinks you'd be the perfect girl to be....actually, I can't tell you that part, cuz I'd give away the story.
i like boys that play with fire >:)
Omigosh I love this quiz!!
Ha ha omg I'm retaking all of these cuz I kinda forgot the plot I made originally O.o The first part IS graphic!
Hey part 2 is coming out soon, but it's like eleven at night, so I'll see what I can do.
Wow, the first part was graphic!
Is that a bad thing? :)
I got Ian who is fall :)
part two is out, to those it may concern...
Edward is HOT i mean part 2 PLEASE!!
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