Which Soviet Leader Are You?

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Which Soviet Leader Are You?
Your Result: Joseph Stalin

You are Joseph Stalin! You believe in maintaining a very large and powerful government following the beliefs of Communism. Stalin's foreign policy was very aggressive, with a focus on involvement in the affairs of many countries, especially those situated in the Eastern Bloc of Europe. Stalin took advantage of his large political power to oppress the Soviet people; most infamously with his system of Gulag camps, but at the same time modernized his country and helped the USSR grow. Overall, you believe in increasing the size of government and maintaining a totalitarianist system, even if it means the oppression of your people.

Mikhail Gorbachev
Nikita Khrushchev
Leonid Brezhnev
Vladimir Lenin

Thanks For Visiting!

Thank you very much for taking my quiz. I enjoyed making it for you. Whatever your political views, whatever result you may have gotten, whether you're a Leninist, Stalinist, Capitalist, or something else, may I wish everyone a very Happy New Year for 2018.

"Which Soviet Leader Are You?" was created by Trevor

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