Which Harry Potter character are you?

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Which Harry Potter character are you?
Your Result: You are Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort was the greates and most evil wizard, who ever used dark magic. He wanted to be something more - something greater, and someone who would show everyone what he was made of. His real name was Tom Riddle, and he was a prefect and a clever student, when he went to Hogwarts - he was also able to talk to snakes. He took the name Voldemort, because he didn't want the name his mother gave him, when he was borned, and was sent to a orphanage. He wanted to make people scared of him, and of his name. But he couldn't quiet do it alone - he needed someone to depend on - the death eaters, where many of were his old class mates from Hogwarts. Voldemort, seeks revenge as the first thing, and wants control and power. He would do anything to be the greatest - but what after that? Voldemort wanted to revenge his bad childhood, and hurt those who hurt him.

You are Draco Malfoy
You Are Harry Potter
You are Dobby
You are Ron Weasley
You are Remus Lupin
You are Hermione Granger
You are Ginny Weasley
You are Cho Chang

Thanks For Visiting!

Thank you, so, so, so much, for taking his test. Let the force be with you - no, Hey! Wrong movie, sorry.. Let... Potter be with you :) Ah.. Just thank you

"Which Harry Potter character are you?" was created by Julie of youtube.com/julievinum

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