KotLC life (female results)

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KotLC life (female results)
Your Result: Aurora Endal

Age: 15 | Eye Color: Baby blue | Ability: Hydrokinetic | Family: Wylie Endal (brother) Prentice Endal (dad) Cyrah Endal (mum) (deceased) | Education: Foxfire prodigy | Best friend: Linh Song | Friends: Biana (future), Maurca | Frenemies: Vackers | Looks: Curly black hair, brown skin | Personality: Shy, caring, smart -------------------------|Storyline: A Broken Family |You were young when your dad got exiled, but you blamed the Vackers. It was hard on your family, but it got worse when your mum died on a light leap, leaving you and Wylie alone. Wylie always looked out for you, but he soon had to start the elite level leaving you alone. But that changed when the Song twins started school. You had so much in common with Linh that you two became best friends almost instantly. When Wylie was tortured, Linh looked out for you and when Tam was taken, you and Maurca comforted Linh. ------------------You always despised the Vackers, but when Fitz and Sophie got attacked, you managed to smooth things out. You and Biana came good friends. She was like the sister you never had. You swore featly to the Black Swan after a showdown with the Neverseen at Loamore...

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"KotLC life (female results)" was created by kiwievie2010

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