In which Game of Thrones house do you belong?

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In which Game of Thrones house do you belong?
Your Result: You belong in HOUSE BARATHEON - Ours is the Fury

House Baratheon is the youngest of the great houses of Westeros. It was founded during the Wars of Conquest, when Aegon the Conqueror granted the keep at Storm's End and the lands and daughter of Argilac the Arrogant to Orys Baratheon. The house's founder, Orys, was rumoured to be Aegon's b------ brother; true or not, he became the new king's most loyal commander. The Baratheons remained loyal to the Targaryens for nearly 300 years, and the two houses intermarried with regularity. This helped establish Robert Baratheon's successful claim to the throne after overthrowing the Targaryen line during the War of the Usurper, or Robert's Rebellion, though his true claim was his hammer.

You belong in HOUSE STARK - Winter is Coming
You belong in HOUSE ARRYN - As High as Honor
You belong in HOUSE TARGARYEN - Fire and Blood
You belong in HOUSE LANNISTER - Hear Me Roar

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"In which Game of Thrones house do you belong?" was created by Katie

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