Republican or DemoCRAP

Are you a Republican or DemoCRAP? Find out on this test right now! This test is complete with questions that will test if you are a true patriotic Republican or a DemoCRAPPY b----!


Created by: ShhhhZ
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you believe in the Christian GOD?
  2. What do you think about gun control?
  3. What do you think about abortion?
  4. What are your thoughts on gay marriage
  5. Do you think prayer is allowed at school
  6. If we were given a vote on whether to attack (Nuke) the Middle East would you agree to the attack
  7. Where do you stand on the issue of discrimination
  8. What do you think about the rising need for welfare
  9. Should GOD be included in the Pledge of Allegiance
  10. Do you agree with capital penalty (Death sentence)
  11. How do you think we should acquire peace in our nation
  12. What level of control do you think the government should have on individual enterprise (Business)
  13. How do you feel about illegal immigration
  14. How do you feel about Obama
  15. If you saw a homeless man on the streets would you...
  16. What would you name your son
  17. Where do you stand on the issue of transsexuals
  18. How do you fee about a family where a man is the house parent and the woman is the worker
  19. If you had jihad(terrorist animal) at your house and detained him would you...
  20. How do you feel about Liberals
  21. How do you feel about Conservatives
  22. Do you think Democrats are
  23. To transsexuals would you...

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