Republican Classification

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Class "A" means that you were forcibly recruited by the Republican army and that you sympathised with fascists. You would then have to join Franco's army. Class "B" means that you volunteered for the Republican army. You would have either been incorporated into forced labor or put into an internment camp. Class "C" means that you were a Union or Political leader in the Republican army. You would either be executed or imprisoned in a detention center. Class "D" means that you were a common criminal or a terrorist working for the Republican side. You would most likely face a lifetime in jail or be executed. Class "Ad" means that you were forcibly recruited by the Republican army, however, your support of the Fascists was under suspicion. You would have either been incorporated into force

Created by: Nate Hirsch

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
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  1. Which one of these ideals do you think would make Spain a better society?
  2. To what extents would you go to enforce these ideals?
  3. If people you knew and loved died for something that you didn't believe in how would this influence your opinion?
  4. What is your view on languages in countries?
  5. Do you agree with democracy?
  6. Are you persuaded by fear?
  7. Do you think: A. Societies function better with lots of different opinions or B. Societies function better if people for the most part agree
  8. What traits of a leader are more most important?
  9. Do you support cultural diversity?
  10. Do you believe that the end result justifies the means of getting there?

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