Remember the future part 13 Double Trouble

Part 13 is here for "Remember the future" When we last left off (two weeks ago) You had a dream of this club called "Cherry bomb" the light told you to go to the party to get the gadgets and weapons from the hosts of the party. You told the guys and after Fuchsia gave you some money you all went on a shopping spree. At one store you met Evelyn, one of the twins trying to flirt with Devin. After getting the dress you wanted and coming back to the house Warren tried to hack into the computer. Noah finally had to crack it and one of the rules of "Cherry Bomb" is that you have to be a celebrity to get in.
Also Carol was trying to make Seth more sociable for the party and Devin walked in eating a banana... yeah that's not really an important detail I'm just telling you so the first part of this makes sense. Hope you enjoy part 13 and don't be afraid to comment (unless your comments are derogetory or classified as cyber bullying. Let's be civilized people, this might be the internet but let's all go home happy okay)