
hey, hopefully you had fun and will check out another one of my quizzes in the near future! have fun enjoy yourself on the other quizzes and sit back and have fun..but obey everyone and the rules on making your own quiz.you dont want trouble now!! :] thank you for taking my quiz

are you telling the truth. well i am not sure when you are or when your not so hopefully you are telling the truth! and you will check out another one of my quizzes in the near future :] have fun enjoy yourself and follow rules..no trouble now!! :]]]

Created by: summer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have you had a best friend that is talking about you behind your back?
  2. do you have a friend that likes your boyfriend and you know that he is cheating on you for your bestfriend?
  3. do you believe in respect?
  4. what is your favorite season?
  5. what is your favorite month?
  6. are you a friend who cares about people?
  7. do you obey your parents!?
  8. are you old enough to be trusted and go out and have fun with your friends??
  9. do you have friends that do something bad and want you to do it too..this is called peer pressure?!?
  10. do you pay attention to your freinds or teachers when they talk or do u listen for about 2 minutes then space out?

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