Random YouTube Trivia

Hiya buddy! You better play this quiz or we will send a bomb to your exact location. This quiz is about YouTube trivia and everything you know about it.

Hiya buddy! You should have known better and played this quiz before this. Whatever. Don’t back out of playing or we will send nukes to your exact location. This quiz is about YouTube trivia and all that you know about it.

Created by: Coolguy.com
  1. What date is the hit YouTuber MatPat set to leave the 4 theorist channels?
  2. What YouTuber has the second-most amount of play buttons?
  3. When did YouTube release?
  4. When was “Me At The Zoo”, the first video uploaded to YouTube, released?
  5. How many views does the most viewed video of YouTube have? (As of March 8th, 2024)
  6. Who was the first channel to reach 100 million subscribers?
  7. What was the first comment on YouTube?
  8. What is the most liked video on YouTube?
  9. Who uploaded the most DISLIKED video on YouTube?
  10. Which of these channels has not received a custom play button?
  11. What was the answer to question 2?
  12. What does MrBeast claim to give you after a subscription to his channel?
  13. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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