R u pretty, hot or ugly?

there are ugly, pretty and hot peaple in this world.hot peaple are peaple who are unbelieveably beatiful,pretty peaple are average prettiness, and ugly peaple are just well ugly.!!!

are you pretty,ugly, or hot.take this quiz to find out.good luck!!! it only takes a couple of minutes and lets face it you know you want to know.So what are you waiting for,take this quiz!

Created by: lauren
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  2. how would your best friend describe you?
  3. do you think you would get "HOT" on this quiz?
  4. how do you like a man?
  5. what would be the perfect date?
  6. what is your favorite color
  7. what type of panties do you were?
  8. how many boyfriends have you had?
  9. do you have a mirror in your room?
  10. do your parents call you pretty?

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