R u going to be a mermaid

Thank you for taking this test it really means a lot to me even when you Are done please comment so I know it I AM A MERMAID REAL ONE NOT FAKE so if you get it then get one the path

Please is good actually works for you tell your friends to come visit this cuz it works girls only so sorry boys but girls this does work trust me turned into a mermaid over the summer wit h just the right spell have fun be happy SophiaMermaid

Created by: Lovestrikes

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you love or hate water
  2. Do you like to eat hot stuff
  3. Do you like waves
  4. How many friends do you have
  5. Do you like pets
  6. Now the next Is personal questions please answer them truley
  7. What is your life at home
  8. Do you only do this stuff cuz you hate or love your life
  9. Pick the name and the highlight you Ellis want
  10. Did you believe this worked for you
  11. Please comment and yea the the stories start to work when you get on the path Doesn't effect score

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