What mermaid spell do you need???

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Hi Im Cooldude1 and this is my quiz called: What mermaid spell do you need??? This is my second quiz so its not very good and Ive tried my best so yeah.

So what spell do you need to become a mermaid?? Will you get powers and a tail? Who knows! BTW read the end but because it will answer most of youre questions! Now enjoy the quiz!!!!

Created by: Cooldude1
  1. Hello welcome to my quiz. First of all what power do you actually want?
  2. Second what is your best trait?
  3. Are you a girl?
  4. Why are you taking this quiz?
  5. Are you enjoying the quiz so far?
  6. Do you want the spell to be complex or simple?
  7. Ive got everything I need now so thanks for playing. BTW I need 3 more questions
  8. Do you like mermaids?
  9. You are a mermaid
  10. Will you rate or comment?????

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Quiz topic: What mermaid spell do I need???
