r u cool or lame

are you cool or well lame?well take this quiz and find out.i mean this may not be true but it is a pretty close estimate so go ahead and try it. i can tell you that i have also tryed this quiz myself and to tell you the truth it was fun.so try it

please try my quiz it will take a couple minutes for you and it will be a great experience for you and i ben taking my time to make this for you.dont take the answers personaly it was just some silly little quiz so good luck!

Created by: mack

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. r u cool or lame? well enter your school how old u r and ur gender and we the professinols well deside if ur cool or lame (we will not use any of ur persinal information its just a fun quiz!) good luck!
  2. what kind of tv do u whatch what kind of music do u listen to
  3. do u think im cool
  4. what age am i
  5. whos my faviriot rapper
  6. whats my faviriot kind of dog
  7. whos my faviriot basketball player
  8. what team does he play for
  9. whats my faviriot basket ball players #
  10. whats my faviriot movie

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