Try And You'll See What Happens

There are smart people and not as smart people.there are cool and there are lame.Which type are you?Let's find out, shall we?Fasten your seta belts.

Are you cool or are you lame?Do you have the style or are you a book worm?In just a few minutes we can find hurry up and do the quiz so we can know already.the tension kills.

Created by: samantha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you happy with your life?
  2. Are you popular at your school?
  3. Do You Consider yourself Hot?
  4. How Far are you willing to go in order to reach your goals?
  5. Do You believe in Love?
  6. Have you ever cheated on your boyfreind/girlfriend?
  7. Would you step on your friends to reach your dreams?
  8. Do you love Adventure?
  9. Have you ever gossiped about your close friends?
  10. Would you ever think of comitting suicide?

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