Quiz about the world!

This quiz is about: Do you want to save our planet? or destroy it by cutting down tree's and killing animal's and dumping plactic in the ocean. Do you wanna be a HERO? or do you wanna be a KILLER OF ANIMAL'S? and DESTROYER?
Hi! my name is Troja! and this quiz is to learn about out planet, (Kind of) and find out that human's are BAD! but some of us want to save the planet. like me for instant! (Me as the creator of the quiz) so join us, and save Human's and Animal's from extinction. And be A HERO! but if you want to be a hero... you have to stop dumping plastic in the ocean and stop cutting down tree's! instead of cutting down them, move them somewhere else! be good to earth, and all the animal's. (Exept for mesqetois