Quick Addition Math Quiz (10 questions)

This is a short 10 question quiz. This quiz will determine if you are good at a short quiz. If you fail I suggest to study and then retake this quiz. I hope you tried your best!

I am NOT mad at you if you fail. I only care if you try your best! Please please PLEASE act happy with whatever score you get! If you get above a 83% then I consider that passing the quiz!

Created by: Ava Zayn Lewis
  1. What is forty- three plus ten?
  2. What is 3 plus 91?
  3. What is 2 plus 5?
  4. What is 90 plus 10?
  5. What is 30 plus 30?
  6. What is 90 plus 2?
  7. What is 24 plus 24?
  8. What is 70 plus 30?
  9. What is 14 plus 6?
  10. What is 50 plus 10?

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