Queens of Aphrodite; which one are you?

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hello again! this is my second quiz! in this quiz I give you a chance to find out which queen you are. your gender doesn't really matter, just know that what ever result you get, it will be female.

don't forget to comment and rate this quiz! I'd love to hear any Ideas any of you have! !SPOILER ALERT! this quiz is only my second. I'm making tonnes more, and I will be sure to make one with hybrids! keep your eyes peeled!

Created by: Iris blood
  1. are you against the hybrid hunt or are you okay with it?
  2. are you fighting for the hybrids or are you against them?
  3. you are walking in the gardens and find one of your daughters lying dead on the ground. how do you react?
  4. out of these, which one is your type of treasure?
  5. hello
  6. if you had to choose one queen to rule all of Aphrodite, which one would it be?
  7. have you read my book? (p.s. it's called Wings of Blood; the hybrid hunt)
  8. sorry about this.... what's your favorite color?
  9. surprise! you get to be a hybrid for a year! which one would you want to be?
  10. one of your eggs just hatched, and they're twins. further more, they're hybrids and have vapor scales as well as flame scales. how do you react?

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Quiz topic: Queens of Aphrodite; which one am I?
