Pt2: Does Eclipse hate, like, or LOVE you?

Does Eclipse hate you? Or does he like you? Well now you will know! With this quiz! Obviously! This is made for Sun and Moon Show fans of course! HEHEHEHEHEE

Here are the names of the 'solar siblings'! Sun, Moon, Lunar, Eclipse, Bloodmoon, Solar Flare, Earth! Earth's not out yet, but I'll add her anyway!!! Now on to the quiz.

Created by: WOlfythePUPPUP
  1. Whats your favorite hobby?
  2. Fav color, may i ask?
  3. Ok, what's your opinion on Bloodmoon?
  4. Now, what's your opinion on Lunar?
  5. Roleplay time! (this wont affect your score!)
  6. Imagine you are at the pizzaplex. You decide to visit the daycare. Do you go down the slide, the stairs, or the elevator?
  7. Once you go inside, you go to the computer section. While playing Minecraft/Roblox/whatever, you catch a glimpse of a person. It looks like the other daycare attendants, But you know it's Eclipse. What do you do?
  8. (If you kicked or screamed at him) "You messed with the wrong animatronic." Eclipse mutters something under his breath and then poof! You're dead.
  9. (If you hugged or kissed him) "Oh, heck." Smoke starts to rise from Eclipse. "God, you overheated me." But in his eyes you can see he liked it.
  10. (If you asked him a question) He grins at you. "Oh, darling, I'm just planning...something." He pats your head and looks dead into your eyes. "Don't worry, about me. What are you doing here?"
  11. Ok, now, a word from...Eclipse!" Eclipse: "Thanks. So, pups, uh... i to you?" *Blushes like heck* me: *rolls eyes*
  12. Ok, goodbye!

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