Psych Final Review

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Created by: Kaira Tamura
  1. Mr. Stark is a charming man who routinely swindles college students out of their money, feeling no shame over his actions. He is most likely suffering from:
  2. Laura sees Jack slip on a banana peel and thinks to herself, "What a clumsy idiot." This is an example of:
  3. After a red light was repeatedly associated with a passionate kiss, Jared began to grow sexually aroused at the sight of a red light. In this case, the sexual arousal in response to the red light was a:
  4. Helena values honesty. However, she has also cheated on several assignments in the past. What concept does this example illustrate?
  5. What are two key factors that determine if a psychological disorder is clinically significant?
  6. Besides the basic senses of touch, taste, hearing, sight, and smell, your sixth sense is known as:
  7. On estimation, how many Americans suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder?
  8. Mark suffers from schizophrenia and often hears voices that insult him and command him to perform unspeakable acts. What category of symptoms is Mark suffering from?
  9. After spending a month researching KFD, Jamie begins to believe that she is suffering from KFD. In reality, what is Jamie most likely suffering from?
  10. The Big Five personality traits are conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and what?
  11. Denise is a lazy student and does not turn in her homework often, and as result does not earn enough credits to graduate. However, she believes that the reason she wasn't able to graduate was that her principal had a grudge against her. Denise most clearly has a(n):
  12. A math test is an example of what kind of stressor?
  13. (Blank) involves psychological techniques derived from psychological perspective while (blank) involves treatment with medical procedures
  14. Fiona is given the day off of chores for earning an A on her latest report card. Getting a day off from doing chores is an example of what?
  15. What is our sense of competence or ability to accomplish a task?
  16. What psychological concept explains why we are more likely to help those who have helped us?
  17. What are the four theoretical approaches to personality?
  18. True or False: Electroconvulsive shock therapy is unethical.
  19. True or False: Both positive and negative life events are considered to be stressors.
  20. The compatibility between a client and a therapist often referred to as (blank), emphasizes the importance of relationship over therapy type.

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