ZombieRave's Profile

Joined on Jul 4, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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"See? Professor Rave congratulates you!)"
"I did. You found patience and graduated from Roleplaying Collage because of it!)"
""Sorry!" Floodheart called after her. Brb)"
"Blizzardstorm watched her go, chuckling."
"Dun worry, I wasn't planning on getting Floody a mate for a while.) Floodheart thought for a minute. "Well, um, I'm sorry, bu"
"Floodheart had gone into the warriors den. The young deputy blinked, yawning softly."
"Blizzardstorm nodded. "Yep! When I was a kit, I always stayed awake all the time. That's why I'm so small!""
"Blizzardstorm gave her an unbelieving look. "You sure? Kits grow faster when they sleep!""
"*growls at Wasp and Absol*"
"Yes, yes they are.) Blizzardstorm shrugged. "Same here." He noticed her yawn. "Are you sleeeeeepy?""
"*glares at Absol*"
"Okay, Pebble. )"
"Ravenpaw nodded. "Yeah, that's what I'm planning on doing." Anything for my Zombie pal!)"
"*sneaks up behind Absol, and noms shoulder*"
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