Zoefaustino's Profile
Joined on Mar 17, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
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Zoefaustino's Recent Quiz Comments
"I honestly didn't understand anything that happened in this quiz"
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"YASS! I got 81% ! "
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"Can someone help me out here? I think I have a crush on my best guy friend (who is the class clown) and we're super close. But I don't know…"
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"Can someone help me out here? I have a crush on my best guy friend and we're super close. Plus a lot of our friends think we're together.…"
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"Can someone help me out here? I have a crush on my best guy friend and we're super close. Plus a lot of our friends think we're together.…"
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"Asian. You're right, I am"
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"This quiz is so easy! I don't see how I got smarter than a homeschooler cause I AM ONE AND HOMESCHOOLERS ARE NOT DUMD THANK YOU"
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"I tried looking for M.L.L P14 like it said on the top but I couldn't find! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT HERE I REALLY WANT TO CONTINUE…"
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"Cool I'm British"
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"I got 70% even though I'm a Filipino living in the Philippines. I also wanna know if you're a Filipino too"