Zinnias's Profile

Joined on Feb 28, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Zinnias's Recent Posts
"Kuurama: Not a good reason"
"[pffffft nerd] King Asgore..? Oh, I hope not. I'm sorry, but once he's made up his mind he's impossible to stop. He's hothead"
"[u killed phenex]"
"[no ur not]"
"[ur not my mom I'M THE ONLY MOM HERE] mom please stop yelling Foxglove: for real Lily:*c"
"zinnias is sleepy and cold. :c Foxglove: Get your own blanket, oh esteemed Emperor. meanie head. *pouts*"
"*falls asleep in thread* Foxglove: *tsks, glaring at Zinni before putting a blanket over him and tucking him in very tenderly"
"*Nods* Mhm! Oh, yeah, he can do magic kinda like me. Except, he mostly makes shields and stuff. He can't make it rain or anyt"
"*very surprised expression* Me? ..Oh. *smiles* I got a call from my brother, he said one of the soldiers was supposed to be l"
"my cats are refusing to let me sit up"
"*pushes glasses up, hair falling into face because his hair clip is missing* That's not good."
"Battery at 7% but I have chicken so f--- it all ewe"
"[Jade fights exclusively with a spear and his special attacks include him summoning spears with magic so yeh] Oh! That's awes"
"I love this game ahh"
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