ZerotheLegend's Profile

Joined on Mar 30, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
ZerotheLegend's Quizzes
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ZerotheLegend's Recent Posts
"This isn't fun anymore...."
"I like Ride Chasers"
"You have too much experience with this. But then again, I do too. X's face was always the best to see. He'd cry."
"You've died? Ugh, you must be like Sigma. *joking of course* you both can't stay dead."
"Curiosity? That gets people killed you know. *grins* (he's not serious all the time, he's off duty rn yo)"
"What's the point of this club anyway?"
"There is something troubling me though... There are still Mavericks, I killed one earlier. I'll have my work cut out for me. *throws off the..."
"I've done that. Maybe enough to join?"
"If you've been fighting endlessly for as long as I had, you'd be relieved too. *takes off the hood of his tattered cloak and opens up the fr..."
"It's a good sign to me. I was a weapon for a long time, but now I can be more than a weapon."
"She doesn't need me anymore. I've served my purpose to them."
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