ZacIsSmut's Profile
Joined on Dec 30, 2017
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
7-Year Club
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ZacIsSmut's Recent Posts
"Isn't she in out language arts class we need you to get you some Nikki how about this weekend my parents are gonna be gone I'll throw a part..."
"Nikki finally walked out so Nikki what fun did you have "shut up Zane we were just joking around" anyway we have to go to art class wanna ra..."
"The bell rung Zane went to leave the lockeroom but Joey stopped him "hey can we talk for a little while after school we can meet at my place..."
"Locker room not location"
"Zane was thinking about what Nikki was doing they had to stay in the location for pe today so Zane and all the other boys in the locker room..."
"I promise"
"How do we want to start"
"I like it"
"There I'm done"
"Name: Zane Sexuality: Gay (boyXboy) Looks: black hair with the bangs to the right Wears: Cold:black and gray swe"
"Actually I'm changing it up a bit Zac is gonna be Zane do Zane and Joey"
"Also I want to keep my Zac joey ship to happen in the story but I want then to break up and some stuff too so ya and theyre not dating at th..."
"OK I really like that plot paragraph its like the summary on the back of the book It was so professional"
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