ZabelAndCeline's Profile


Joined on Jan 18, 2013
Status Level: Newbie

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12-Year Club
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ZabelAndCeline's Quizzes

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ZabelAndCeline's Recent Posts

  • :O D'aww Zabel.
    "*is cuddled, silent*"
  • :O D'aww Zabel.
    "I honestly don't know. But seeing as I don't know you, and have no interest in others, you're lucky you got that out of me. *hmphs, goes bac..."
  • :O D'aww Zabel.
  • :O D'aww Zabel.
    "Oh... *is cuddled, awkward Celine is awkward, opens a red eye carefully* Zabel:*has left for somewhere*"
  • :O D'aww Zabel.
    "Of her? Who? *sighs, closing eyes as to not see himself being cuddled*"
  • :O D'aww Zabel.
    "Zabel:*snickers* Let me go. *is cuddled*"
  • :O D'aww Zabel.
    "*yelps, struggling away* Zabel: v.v"
  • "Zabel: I'd like some~ I'll pass, but thanks."
  • "Zabel: More...? You pig.:P Zabel: Hey I haven't eaten anything sweet since we got here. You at"
  • "*is cuddled* Alright, thank you. But it probably won't be necessary. Zabel: *le cuddled* Uh-huh, thanks."
  • "Mayeb you were, we don't know. We don't even know why all of a sudden our sisters were gone. Zabel: *sigh*"
  • "You're not horrible. Zabel: Don't say that stuff. And don't get sick~"
  • "I honestly don't know. I didn't meet you in the future...huh. Weird. Zabel: That is weird, if what this lady says is true."
  • "Yeah...little Edwin. Zabel: Lily also died. She was killed in an accident with alchemy, mom doesn't talk about it much, er f"
  • "Zabel: Thanks, and heh. ^^' *begins eating ice cream letting Celine do the talking* Yes, we are. We were triplets with our si"

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