Yusa's Profile

Joined on Aug 16, 2020
Status Level: Junior
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Yusa's Recent Posts
"I am the life goddess of this land."
"*makes the water recede*"
"Why, you could eat at any time. You are a respected deity of sattron and so you may eat at any time."
"Hello and welcome to the deities feast hall of Sattron"
"Good to see you again cats"
"Oh.... Hello"
"Please ignore Mikan, she is highly empathetic. In the meanwhile congratulations on being a deity, although we have our own respective shadow..."
"I am not scared of Mortimer. Stop making this about fear."
"Please ignore Alexei, he is quite stupid."
"Thank you, he's not easy to deal with when cranky"
"Hello, please watch out for Mortimer. He gets cranky when his nap is interrupted"
"Oh, that's lovely. Well then, welcome to the thaleminker feast hall, my name is Yusa, and my rude red-headed cohort over there is named Alex..."
"Hello *under her breath* Alexei don't be rude."
"I welcome you to my feast hall and hope you fully acknowledge the dangers. My rules are simple. 1. No killing. We have Mortimer here j"
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