Yume Bakugou's Profile

Yume Bakugou
Joined on Jun 13, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
Yume Bakugou's Quizzes
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Yume Bakugou's Recent Posts
"Oh wow."
""It was because of me.." she mumbled. "I made a disaster happen.""
"Don't call me that!"
"What does yrya mean?"
"No. I just don't eat American s---!"
"Hot like hell."
"*falls from sky* WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"
"Boom Boom Girl. UwU"
"Your disgusting. I would rather eat spicy food!"
"Call me Great Explosion Murder Goddess Dynamite! Boom! *Sets room on fire*"
"I was taking a Harry Potter quiz."
"UwU take that b----!"
"I joined last year in April."
"I have the explosion quirk."
Yume Bakugou's Recent Quiz Comments
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