Yulia Jue's Profile

Yulia Jue
Joined on Apr 2, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Yulia Jue's Recent Posts
"Lorelei: Who're you? *tilts head at Anri* She agreed to walk with me, since you ditched me. Lorelei: Aww. Don'"
"Yes. *cups hands over mouth* Lorelei! Lorelei: *turns, hair is hiding eyes, grins, kinda creepy* Took you long enough"
"Lorelei: She's been...gone a long time. She's not used to anything modern. I'm learning though."
"I'm sorry about that. And sure, it's fine. *walks down path, we soon come to a cemetery with a statue of Yulia in the center* "
"I'm not odd. Lorelei: Not much. I'm trying to show Yulia how to work a tv. She's a slow learner. I am not!"
"Hello.:3 Lorelei: Yo."
"Yes. My friend, he died a while ago. I visit he's grave every year. Lorelei normally walks with me, but he's been acting a bit off lately."
"My name is Yulia."
"Lorelei is with me. He says hi."
"*smiles* I suppose so. And, if you plan on coming with me, you can carry them, or I can. Your choice."
"Goodbye, everyone."
"No..You can?"
"Oh, okie then. ^-^"
"Are you alright?"
"I..It's not something that I can teach. It's a power I've had since birth. Plus, it has to do with my connection to Lorelei. He supplies me ..."
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