yourmom37's Profile
Joined on Dec 20, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
yourmom37's Quizzes
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yourmom37's Recent Posts
"I think your awesome!!"
"im sorry i didnt know that i wasnt supposed to do that i will bring back up all the other ones that were here before"
"Oh sorry. :( i wont do it again"
"what do you mean?"
"im new here hey"
"I just wanna get married and have kids and stuff so ya"
"great saying story of my life ;)"
"great quiz!!!!"
"sorry talk to me anytime :("
"school is ok sometimes I like it sometimes I dont"
"I like personality quizzes :)"
"sometimes I feel really depressed maybe I have chronic depression"
"idk I haven't met him/her. we could talk sometime though im very outgoing and I like to meet new people :)"
"like I said u can talk to me whenever if ur on and im on we can meet in offbeat"
"sometimes I cant sleep either so I eat a banana and drink warm milk and lap it up like a kitty cat meow"
yourmom37's Recent Quiz Comments
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