YoungHeph's Profile

Joined on Jul 14, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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YoungHeph's Recent Posts
"Karma: *air simmers around her, touching her is like touching a hot stove* Puuuut meee down."
"-My hair is red -best friends with Dark -wants to be actress OHs---"
"Karma: *eyes flash red, anything metal on Anri and her candy instantly melts* Oooooh heaters angry."
"Karma: *materializes out of shadows, young Karma is an inch taller than Heph, blonde hair, blue eyes* Heeeeeeeeph. *s"
"Gimme it! *huffs, hands on hips* I order you!"
"Cause you're a sweetie pup~ ^-^ Now gimme candy.>:I"
"*I know hence why I'm saying this I enjoy picking on people I thought I made this clear* Stuuupid.:P"
"Hi there."
"Blood. Is. Stupid. *huffs, I'm always right no arguing* Blood belongs inside bodies. Mine is boiling hot and burns.:3"
"You don't want to help me, I take it?"
"I have some of those, occasionally."
"*flips table* can I steal your life"
"I'll try taping it back together from the back. Maybe no one will notice. ANRIIIIIIIIIIIUUUUUU."
"Hey Absol~ ;-; Yeah I've spent two weeks coloring it it's this giant felt poster thing and now it's ripped down the side and "
"I ripped my princess coloring thing ;-;"
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