YoungDylan's Profile

Joined on Sep 6, 2013
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
YoungDylan's Quizzes
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YoungDylan's Recent Posts
"Brooklyn: *BLUSH* *hides under pillow* Shutup. I think you two are adorable together. *twirly little spin* "
"Why did I trust you with it again? D: You lose everything! Aleric: ...I said sorry. Winter: But the didn't m"
"Marry: *giggle fit* Nooo. Do you want the poor kid to get bullied?...And what if it's a girl?..*thinky face* Mercury. Merc, for short. :I Wo..."
"Marry: *extremely happy face* R-Really? ... Anthony: Yes- *there* *his shirt is cover"
"Harriett: I am not! You are. :I Harriett: Shut up! *hisssss* ...Make me. *and"
"Brooklyn: She's fluffeh, though. ;~; *cuddling a small child* Bonnie: ^-^ *being cuddled* S-she might set yo"
"Taylor: ...You're short. I'm five. Brooklyn: He has a point. Travins: You have an ear ring. "
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