Yooouurrr_Mooom's Profile

Joined on Jun 17, 2012
Status Level: Newbie

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12-Year Club
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Yooouurrr_Mooom's Recent Posts

  • I'm leaving again.
    "Don't leave. None of my older friends were here either, but I stuck it out and made some new ones. They're not that annoying xD"
  • Romance soap? :3
    ""Well, you can let me walk you to the nurses office. Hitting your head could cause a concussion, which could cause you to faint, et cetera, ..."
  • somebody want to soap?
    "(@Vik You know me so well XD @Silver Sometimes you get sick of the old one. ^o^) Andrina sat up slowly. "Would you?" S"
  • Romance soap? :3
    "Hey, you want to continue? Cordelia followed, not knowing what to do. "No, it was my fault. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. What can I"
  • Sisi?
    "No, it's fine. I made a newer and lamer account xD"
  • somebody want to soap?
    "Ok, I'm sorry! This is Sisi XD I'm acting dumb sorry Andrina looked up at the sailor and couldn't stop. Umm...lets not..."
  • I haves to do it.
    "Jk, this is Sisi again XD"
  • No Subject
    "Aww *huggles* You can always pray to him, or visit him on this day, so he knows that he's still your father despite the distance."
  • somebody want to soap?
    "Your Mom"
  • No Subject
    "Don't be sad, son."
  • somebody want to soap?
    "~~seizure, seizure, help me, seizure~~"
  • somebody want to soap?
    "Andrina goes into a coma."
  • "(this is Sisi) @Zane No, Yes, Yes @Scolio No, no, yes, yes, no, sometimes"
  • I haves to do it.

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