Yllief's Profile
Joined on Aug 20, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
Yllief's Quizzes
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Yllief's Recent Posts
"Yllief, a momoda with wind abilities. Seems emotionless and like a pushoever, but in reality is just scared to show emotion and is a baby."
"[I gtg, sorry]"
"Kitty.w. *is kidnapped* Noooo. I have to find Kolulu! *nods* Sorry"
"I don't eat candy. *blinks at sticker, smiling lightly* Thank you, Miss."
"*stares blankly at the sucker* What is that? Oh."
"T-thank you. *is cuddled* W-what is it?"
"*hugs book tightly* I-I'll be fine..I just have to find my friend."
"Heph: what kind of juice?"
"I don't like violence... *is cuddled, glances at you, confused* Why are you hugging me?"
"*gets up quickly, warily looking at you, clutches his book he dropped tightly to his chest* Y-yes. I'm fine."
"It's good that you stay positive."
"Heph: i get free lunches so ha"
"Heph: gud"
"Um... *is suddenly hit with a rock, clutches head and falls to ground, laughing can be heard as the kid who threw it runs away* Ouch."
"Heph: ha"
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