Yellasplitzer287's Profile

Joined on Aug 22, 2011
Status Level: Novice
Yellasplitzer287's Quizzes
- How are you in the eyes of others?[published: Mar 31, 2012]
Relationships are complicated. But thanks to this quiz, in a few minutes, you can decipher……
- Take this quiz whether you want to or not.[published: Aug 23, 2011, 2 comments]
A totally random quiz, possibly about your personality, or something along the lines……
- The hardest and or easiest test of all times!!!!![published: Aug 23, 2011, 3 comments]
This is the easiest quiz in the world! A kindergartner could score 100% on……
- What color are you???[published: Aug 22, 2011, 6 comments]
Have you ever wondered what color suits your personality best? Take this quiz to find out! We have the……
- Are you stupid?[published: Aug 22, 2011, 2 comments]
Are you smart? Do you have what it takes to beat this quiz? Or are you going to fall flat and utterly fail? You……
Yellasplitzer287's Recent Posts
"i just made an account today... so i didnt know this was already used!!! I just wanted to find some good anime to watch!!!!!"
"hahaha lol XD"
"On here, post your favorite or some of your favorite anime shows. For me, it would be: Naruto and The World God only Knows. I love them both..."
Yellasplitzer287's Recent Quiz Comments
"Social. HECK YEAH!"
1 -
"exteremly tomboy... just a little girly girl... and not at all cowgirl"
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"he loves u. well, he has another gf..... so..."
1 -
"Your Result: Pretty girl!
I actually answered this honestly and actually, my result was perfect."
1 -
"I got prim..."
1 -
":) Congratz."
1 -
"i knew 2!!! woo hoo!!!! somehow, i guessed others correctly and got27%"
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"my quizzes rock, but they are weird..."
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"i agree with mary..... :/"
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"dang it!!!! igot c.... how many quizzes did she make? i duno i want to take them all"