xxxINFINITYxxx's Profile
Joined on Aug 22, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
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11-Year Club
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"Saphire looked at Ryan. "They already know ur late." She rolled her eyes. "Im going to help you guys get Kara back.""
""Idk." Saphire replyied "Do you really think Gordon can sneak past them?" Ryan walked around searching for the dragons he had"
"Saphire thought for a second. "Hmm Yea we need a plan? any ideas?""
"(Oh interesting :O)"
""Relax. They won't hurt her not yet anyway. I dont know where Ryan is tho. But if they do have him they won't hurt him. He is only a boy.""
""With them.""
"Saphire swung around to her dad. "I have a better idea. Attacking them now isnt a good idea." She continued explaing to her dad the plan. He..."
"Saphire felt pain in her heart. Then closed her eyes. She knew what she had to do. She knew it would be risky. She leaned into Zella closely..."
"Saphire looked at the dragon feeling bad. "U sure about that?""
"Saphire eyed Zella. "I didn't doo anything!!" She snapped "I told you this would happen if she came!""
""Idk where Ryan is!! and Kara well. It doesn't matter" Saphire said. Saphires father came out. He was confused. "Who is the Kara and Ryan yo..."
"Saphire looked at the other dragon that accused her of lying. "And who are you? And where is who Gordon?""
"Saphire eyed the dragon. "I told the thing to go home. But she didn't. Blood on your hands remember.""
"Saphire began to lead the group to where she left Zella and Gordon. Saphires Father stopped her."Wait." He smiled. "I forgot somthing." He t..."
"Saphire was now running. She finally arrived to a building. She smiled. Ryan followed her and stopped and watched. "
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