xXLionessHeartXx's Profile

Joined on Feb 9, 2012
Status Level: Newbie

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13-Year Club
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xXLionessHeartXx's Recent Posts

  • Tonights topic
    "I have friendly opinions about both religions. :P"
  • How smart is GTQ?
    "XD Viktor. Just what I was thinking."
  • What Is Forgiveness?
    "I agree with barberbob and sick, to truly forgive is to move on. The feelings may still be there, but forgiveness is just letting go and sim..."
  • "I'll take you to Transylvania if you'd like then. xD"
  • List all the Anime
    "Hetalia Inuyasha Death Note One Piece Dragon Ball Z Vampire Knight Clannad And... t"
  • I'm bored.
    "I'm glad I amuse you."
  • I'm bored.
    "*juggles rocks that are on fire* OWW"
  • Well hello there.
    "Exactly. ^^ So these threads you all call 'soaps' are actually roleplays, correct?"
  • "Already said this so much tonight already, but I live in Bucharest, Romania. Was born and raised here, really. Though I've traveled to Hunga..."
  • Well hello there.
    "Hi dragon. ^^ It's quite fun."
  • "Racism is just plain stupid. People are people, and even if certain groups have had bad history together, we should take people as individua..."
  • "If you ever come here to Romania, go to Constanta! It's our most beautiful city in my opinion. Beaches, history, sites, everything! Though B..."
  • Well hello there.
    "Oh cool. I'll look that up later. xD That's good then. My goal is to tinker with the cords in everyone's brain"
  • "Fluent in Romanian Fluent in English Some Greek, Russian and Hungarian. Certain things in other Romance languages, like"
  • Well hello there.
    "Hysteria a song? Who by? ^.^ Congrats on escaping, if that was your goal. XD"

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