xXGothVampXx's Profile

Joined on Jul 14, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
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xXGothVampXx's Recent Posts
"Thanks Biance. You're awesome. I seen you post here. I doubt Bambi can beat up anybody."
"Seriously Bambi,I'm not freaking 5 ft. I'm 6 ft. and I probably got taller and theres no f---ing way you could beat up anyone hear. "
"See ya."
"I really wanna see it now."
"A Spanish alien friends with a preppy ghost."
"That sounds soooooooo cool! Espically with the emo girl."
"A model vampire who's boyfriend with a Canidan vampire."
"I've nevere seen it."
"Trust me,it gets pretty confusing."
"Sometimes I wish I was vampire. I have really pale skin and teeth that are sharp,sometimes people think I'm a vamp."
"But out of that stuff,the movie was down hill."
"I don't like how Chucky killed Tiffany."
"I remember seeing a vampire in the movie. It was awesome."
"I like in the first one where the kid(It's been a long time sence I've seen it)was like "This is the end...""
"I ment the pesron's head but it was still awesome."
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