XxflowergirlxX's Profile
Joined on Nov 26, 2018
Status Level: Newbie
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6-Year Club
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"I'm 13 btw"
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"God damn I hate my dad I wouldn't honestly care if he got hit by a train he is an a**hole who only cares about himself and his othe kids I…"
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"She doesn't even know I have this is this unfair
I have split parents my dad is meant to pick me up for my b'day I haven't really…"
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"She doesn't even let me go down town before or after school although I do I have a social media Instagram account that she doesn't know…"
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"I'm 13 girl and I'm not even allowed to chat on hayday suposebly according to my mum my parents are split I swear at school and I'm not…"