xxBtfLovee's Profile

Joined on Jun 11, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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"This one?: fc01.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/209/b/f/Tiger_Girl___DO2008_Book_Cover_by_Kouken.jpg Or T"
"Nothing.. just trying to decide over pics. D:"
"xD *fist pump*"
"DAMMIT I'M SO FUCKING USED TO LINKS Dx This one?: fc01.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/209/b/f/Tiger_Girl___DO2008_B"
"This one?: [no urls] Or This one?: [no urls]"
"YES. x3"
"Kashii xD"
"Thank you. *wipes blood from mouth and glares at Shadow* Maria: I really was kidnapped... It was horrible."
"Uhhh... *blood drips down to the floor* it's... Not... Working... Maria: *hugs*"
"Yes c:"
"*flies across room and hits wall* *cage busts and Maria stands up* Maria: SHADOW! *runs towards Shadow* "
"Hm. I can't help you with that... :/ Maria: *locked in cage* GET ME OUT OF HERE! *kicks cage* Shut up."
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