Joined on Mar 20, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
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xUSEDTOTHEDARKx's Recent Posts
"I'm still here."
"I've been kind of wishing I had choosen an actual name instead of a random word in the english language."
"Still can't :("
"Gonna try to make a quiz again."
"And I still can't figure out how to make a quiz. >:("
"I never feel safe lol."
"I don't usually feel like talking to anyone but today I actually would of really liked to for once. Sad but I get it I'm not really all that..."
"I don't know why I'm acting all upbeat. I think I'm just acting like a trained seal again."
"$5 to anyone that knows what my profile pic is. (Disclaimer- I do not have $5 lol.)"
"Sorry I pressed enter too soon. Now my edgy new thread is ruined lol. So hey its Inure again. I forgot my password to Sempiternal so I guess..."
xUSEDTOTHEDARKx's Recent Quiz Comments
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